Below, you'll find some of our favorite content from the last year.
1. FREE Guide: 12 Ways to Foster Wellness in the Workplace
In this free eBook, we share a variety of ideas and strategies for developing health and wellness programs in your workplaces—and some of these are things you can start doing right way. This will be the perfect accompaniment to all of your New Year's resolutions, so download it now.
2. Personal Wellness in Uncertain Times: Why the Ebola Scare is a Huge Wake-Up Call.
This past summer and fall saw the rise of Ebola and other frightening illnesses, such as enterovirus D68. As we enter the height of flu season, the article we wrote on personal wellness in uncertain times rings even truer now than ever before. Read and share it, if you haven't already.
3. What Does a Holistic Doctor Do that a General Practitioner Doesn't?
This is, by far, one of the most popular posts on our blog, and no wonder, since more and more people are interested in medicine that considers the whole person, not just the disease. You can also check out our companion piece where one of our doctors who practices holistic medicine talks about this specialty in her own words.
4. The Benefits of Going to a Geriatric Doctor
As Boomers age, more and more will transition to geriatric medicine, and with good reason. This specialty understands the specific needs our seniors have. Also check out this article: what to expect when you visit a geriatric doctor.
5. FREE Guide: The Science behind Personal Wellness for Executives
The life of a busy executive is too often characterized by a schedule that never stops. Traveling, meetings, and other business obligations end up eating personal time. Living that sort of life wears on a person. Stress builds up, worries pile on, and there’s an inevitable loss of sleep. Learn what you can do to combat these challenges in this free downloadable guide.
6. Why Concierge Healthcare Services Should be Part of Your Executive Wellness Program
Once you digest the ebook that we mention in #5 above, be sure to check out this article. Be smart: make concierge medicine the cornerstone of your 2015 wellness plan.
7. Our Doctors in Philadelphia & New Jersey Talk Cholesterol
No doubt, we've all be indulging in extra treats and libations over the last six weeks, which means a primer on cholesterol is probably in order.
8. House Call Doctors: One Real Life Story
Listen to this compelling story about one of our doctors who paid his patient a visit at his home—and how it made all the difference in the world.
9. How Concierge Medicine is Improving Healthcare in Philadelphia
This gets to the core of what we do, why we do it, and the results of our labors.
10. Our new website!
We'd be remiss if we didn't mention we completely revamped our website. Experience easier navigation and plenty of helpful information as you embark on your concierge medicine journey.
From all of us at Total Access Medical, we wish you a happy, prosperous, and healthy 2015!