Direct Primary Care

Searching For A New Doctor? This List Will Help

Written by William Kirkpatrick | Aug 31, 2016

There are countless reasons why you may be searching for a new primary care doctor. Perhaps you moved to new area, or have a new insurance plan. Maybe your primary care physician is retiring or you want to try out a different type of healthcare, such as concierge medical care. But where should you start? Use this checklist to make the process of finding a primary care physician easier. 

  • What kind of care do you need? Are you healthy and primarily interested in preventive care to help preserve your health and care when you get common illnesses like the flu or strep throat? If you’re living with one or more chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or respiratory disease, or an illness that makes it difficult to walk than you’ll want an experienced, direct primary care concierge physician who has previously managed these conditions before and who can refer you to a specialist if needed. If you’re older, living with health problems, and want the doctor to come to you you than you may want to consider choosing a direct primary care concierge physician who specializes in geriatric medicine.
  • What are you looking for beyond an experience medical professional? Of course you want a doctor who’s skilled and board certified, but there are other factors to consider, like whether you prefer a male or female physician, how close he or she is to retirement, availability, time limitations during appointments, etc. Good communication is also important. The doctor should listen to you without interrupting and explain any diagnosis or treatment in plain English.
  • What’s the office environment like? First, think about location and whether you prefer to see a doctor whose office is close to your home or work. Or maybe you want a concierge doctor who is willing to come to your house? You should make an appointment to meet the doctor before choosing him or her as your new physician. While you’re there, consider whether the staff is courteous and professional, whether the phone is answered in a timely manner, and how long you have to wait to see the doctor once you’re in the office. 
  • How accessible is the doctor? Find out how far in advance you need to schedule an appointment and whether same-day sick care appointments are available. Ask what the doctor’s policy is for answering questions by phone, email, or an online portal. How long are the average appointments and will you have time to ask all your questions and discuss issues like strategies to lower your risk for health problems that run in your family? Does the doctor have evening or weekend appointments? Discuss whether you’ll always be seen by the doctor or if some of your care will be provided by other staff members like nurse practioners or physician’s assistants. 
  • Cost considerations. Beyond checking to see if the doctor is part of your health insurance network, it’s also wise to ask if there are fees for other services such as completing health forms, getting a copy of your medical records, and missed appointments.

If longer appointments, same-day appointments and 24 / 7 access to your physician's cell phone are important to you than consider becoming a member of a direct primary care concierge practice. Schedule a FREE meet and greet today.