Direct Primary Care

Concierge Medicine is For Everyone. Particularly College Students.

Written by Total Access Medical | Nov 27, 2017

A recent study, in part at the University of Michigan, shows that the wellness of students, including their mental outlook and stress management, is more important than their body mass index in predicting and diagnosing their overall physical health.



Concierge primary care is highly regarded in its ability to give 24/7 care and doctor contact to its subscribing patients. Additionally this type of primary care allows constant access to nutritionists and dietitians, as well as a focus on risk management of patient health. Risk management promotes taking wellness and well-being into account while treating its patients. This includes focus on stress management, sleep patterns, anxiety and many other over all wellness indicators.


Research is now showing us that this is indeed mitigating risk of illness and promoting health in its most impactful way. This study focuses on college students and finds that this is an area and demographic in need of such care. The physical health of people in their late teens and early twenties is highly dependent on their well-being, above weight management. Primary concierge care is a great platform to address this need and improve health and well-being for this demographic.

Read more here: The Healthiest College Students Stay on Top of These 2 Things According to Science