Direct Primary Care

Direct Primary Care Benefits From the Removal of the ACA

Written by Total Access Medical | Aug 01, 2018

concierge-care-newsThe removal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in December 2017 is a blessing for direct primary care practices. In 2019, when the ACA ends, insurers will be allowed to offer policies that don't comply with the ACA's mandate for minimum essential coverage of a standard set of services. 

When that happens, insurers can offer stripped-down policies that cost about one quarter of what they cost today. With these savings, employers and people who have to buy their own insurance easily have enough money to buy DPC memberships.

These memberships will give consumers access to primary care that they can't get with their high-deductible policies - unless, of course, they reach their deductible, which may never happen unless they get very sick given the current stratospheric amounts of deductibles. 

As deductibles go yet higher, DPC's are expected to be even more attractive to consumers. 

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