If you intend to book a flight, it’s important to think carefully and critically about what you put in your carry-on. Not only do you want to keep yourself safe and comfortable, but you also want to prepare to not have as many goods at your fingertips at the airport. Here are some tips about how to pack and prepare during COVID-19.
Wear a Face Shield or Eye Glasses
Though all airlines require a face covering to board, a face shield is another safe way to protect yourself. However, sometimes wearing an oversize, bulky plastic device for a few hours in a confined space doesn’t sound cozy.
Wearing glasses can be an alternative to a face shield. Even if you don’t need a prescription and have perfect 20/20 vision, cheap frames can provide an additional barrier of protection, since Covid-19 may be communicated through droplets.
Wear a Face Mask
Among the most obvious necessities is a face mask, which can be either fabric or disposable. Keep in mind that it’s best to use a freshly washed or brand-new face mask every time. And in instances like this where you could be running quickly through an airport, the idea of a breathable face mask meant for exercise isn’t a bad idea either.
Wear Gloves To Avoid Touching
You can’t have too many gloves when you’re getting from point A to point B via plane. She says one easy way to be cautious is to pack many pairs of gloves for the journey.
Wear a few layers of gloves and peel them off as you go through the airport. Remove one pair after security, another after boarding and finally when you arrive at your seat.
Bring Hand Sanitizer
After taking off gloves to trade for a cleaner pair, use hand sanitizer.
It’s been preached constantly over the last six months, but here’s another reminder: Wash your hands. Hand washing is more effective than hand sanitizer and should be prioritized during your travel day. Anytime you come in contact with high-touch areas, ensure you properly scrub with soap. And in the event the airplane or airport is running low, consider packing portable soap sheets to come in for a rescue.
Clean With Antibacterial Wipes
While many airlines have announced an extra plane cleaning, there is no guarantee that every surface will get the full treatment. So carry antibacterial wipes to clean your seat armrest, tray table, seat-back pocket, air vent, seat touch screen, headrest and window blind. The same advice is sensible for other items frequently used by travelers, including hotel television remote controls and clean your hands after travelling on shuttles, taxis, holding handrails and using elevators.
Upgrade Your Seat
If your travel policy allows, now is a good time to upgrade to business or first class travel. It will give you a small buffer of extra personal space and potentially less contact with other passengers.