And, if face masks do shield you from infectious diseases, is there a proper way to put them on, take them off, and discard them?
A surgical mask is a loose-fitting, disposable mask that’s rectangular in shape. The mask has elastic bands or ties that can be looped behind your ears or tied behind your head to hold it in place. A metal strip may be present at the top of the mask and can be pinched to fit the mask around your nose.
When Should You Wear A Face Mask?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using surgical masks only if you:
At present, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source doesn’t recommend that the general public wear surgical masks or N95 respirators to protect from respiratory illnesses like COVID-19. Healthcare providers and first responders need these supplies, and there’s currently a shortage of them.
However, in the case of COVID-19, the CDC does advise the general public to wear cloth face coverings to prevent the spread of the disease. The CDC also provides instructionsTrusted Source on how to make your own.
What Works Best To Limit Infection?
If you have a respiratory illness, the best way to minimize transmission is to avoid other people. The same applies if you want to avoid contracting a virus.
To reduce your risk of transmitting the virus, or coming into contact with it, the WHOTrusted Source recommends the following: