Direct Primary Care

Top Reasons Why Patients Love Direct Primary Care

Written by William Kirkpatrick | Nov 11, 2016

It has been studied that patients enrolled in direct primary care experience a 50% reduction in emergency department visits, specialist visits, advance radiologic testing, and surgical procedures compared to patients enrolled in traditional primary care. The only number that increased is the number office visits, which more than doubled from an average of 2 visits to an average of 4 visits per year. Moreover, patients enjoy an improvement in health outcomes while saving on overall health expenditures when compared to those navigating the traditional health insurance system.

Health policymakers are encouraged by direct primary care. They think an increase of direct primary care doctors could lead to better health care in the U.S. because the care is affordable. They believe that this might even be the salvation of the American health-care system.


Patients are the true winners in the direct primary care model. For a monthly payment equivalent to a gym membership, patients are entitled to around-the-clock care. And, once patients compare costs they realize that the direct primary care payment structure helps save them money. For the cost of a monthly gym membership, patients are offered unlimited, all-day access to their doctor, longer appointments, basic tests at no additional charge and more importantly, the relationship with the doctor is much more personal. 

Related Article: Direct Primary Care Saves Patients Money 


Most fee-for-service primary care physicians are managing a huge panel size. With the direct primary care model however, they can see fewer patients more often. That means patients no longer have to wait weeks for an appointment. And, since direct primary care practices typically offer services beyond the limited range of traditional primary care, patients can ask more of their unanswered questions in just one visit. 


Instead of being rushed through appointments and leaving with unanswered questions, patients are granted the time needed to fully comprehend their medical issues and discuss possible treatments and solutions. And even more, if patients are requested to see a specialist than the doctor coordinates all of the necessary treatment and essentially holds the patient's hand through the entire process. When it’s coordinated and continuous, this type of primary care prioritizes prevention and wellbeing. That means you can manage issues before the issues become problems. 

Related Article: Is Direct Primary Care Right For You?


But, what is the main reason why the direct primary care model is so popular with patients? They are finally granted the type of care they deserve. Without the need for constant insurance-mandated documentation, physicians connect with their patients on a much more personalized, human level. The patient-doctor relationship feels less like a business partnership and more like a friendship. 

For tips on how to find the right primary care physician, read this post.

Related Article: Direct Primary Care: FAQ

Is direct primary care right for you? The doctors at Total Access Medical are now offering to meet with you for free to discuss how direct primary care can benefit you.