Dr. Sokoloff has been practicing medicine in Wilmington, Delaware, since 1986. A graduate of Thomas Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia and board certified in Internal Medicine and Forensics, Dr. Sokoloff is one of the most accredited physicians in the Wilmington area. Check out his complete bio here.
Dr. Sokoloff was kind enough take time out of his busy schedule to sit down with us and answer some questions about his career, concierge medicine, and what he likes to do when he's not practicing medicine.
Let's get to it!Q: Take us back to that moment when you first decided to become a doctor. How old were you? What inspired you to pursue this profession?
A: I spent a summer working on a worldwide chromosomal repository during my high school junior year. We were cataloging genetic mutations so if future parents were to find a genetic mutation during pregnancy, they would have an idea of what to expect at the time of birth. I was in awe of the physicians we worked side by side with.
Q: If you had to describe the way you practice medicine in one or two sentences, what would you say?
A: I listen, teach, and talk to my patients.
Q: Discuss your decision to transition to the concierge medicine model. Was there one moment of clarity, or did a bunch of things influence you to take this path?
A: I became increasingly frustrated by time constraints and could see that in the traditional system, there was no way to achieve optimal health.
Q: One of your specialties is integrative/holistic medicine. Tell us more about this specialty. How does this specialty influence your other specialty: internal medicine?
A: Functional medicine is preventive and treats the underlying cause of disease. Combined with traditional medicine it is termed Integrative medicine. Practicing this way gives the best of both worlds for patients. This also affords patients some choice in their care/treatments.
Q: Now for some fun questions…
- Favorite food? Creative salads with a variety of colors.
- Favorite form of exercise? EFX (elliptical) trainer, weights, and tennis.
- What are you reading right now for pleasure? Autoweek, business and technology articles, and diet/food journals.
- Favorite way to relax after work? Gym, hiking, and movies.
- Share something that not too many people know about you. I like cars, music, and technology.
Q: February is American Heart Month. What are 2-3 things people should do in order to improve their heart health?
Mind relaxation, sleep, whole food diet, and exercise most days. [Editor's note: be sure to check out our blog post Personal Medicine: Let's Talk Heart Health for more tips and suggestions.]
Thanks so much for your time, Dr. Sokoloff!Chances are good that if you're reading this newsletter, you're a fan of the concierge medical model and possibly even enrolled in a program.
But if you're on the fence or confused by all the information available online…or if you know someone who is looking into concierge medicine… then we have the perfect resource.
Is Concierge Medicine Right for You? A Helpful Checklist from Total Access Medical
This checklist will guide you through the many different things you need to consider, including the big three Cs: costs, control, and coordinated care.
You can download it here—it's free.