Total Access Medical - Direct Primary Care Blog

Study Confirms the Mental Health Benefits of Weight Training for Older Individuals

May 07, 2024 by Total Access Medical

Weight training can help reduce body fat and increase muscle strength and mass in older people, contributing to functional autonomy and avoidance of falls and injury. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that it can also benefit the mental health of older people, especially those who suffer from anxiety and depression.

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Unlocking the Secrets: Strategies to Enhance Your Memory

Jan 23, 2024 by Total Access Medical
  In our fast-paced lives, forgetfulness is common, but a poor memory can be frustrating. If you want to enhance your memory and retention, here are some engaging science-backed tips:
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How Can You Improve Your Memory?

Mar 15, 2023 by Total Access Medical
 Everyone has moments of forgetfulness from time to time, especially when life gets busy. While this can be a completely normal occurrence, having a poor memory can be frustrating. If you feel like you’re forgetting more than you should—or if you just want to pump up your retention and recall — here are some science-backed ways to improve your memory.
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The First Digital Pill. What It Means For You.

Nov 20, 2017 by Total Access Medical

The Food and Drug Administration has approved the worlds first digital pill. This particular medication is a medication for mental health that contains sensors to let devices know if it has reached your stomach. It is a way of monitoring your doses and making sure you are taking your medicine when and how it is prescribed.

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