What is disease prevention and how can you prevent diseases from happening? In this article, we offer four ways to prevent diseases and how to take care of yourself so you can live your healthiest, best life. Master these four science-based healthy habits and you'll high-five your way to feeling great.
1) Get Up and Get Moving
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ranks exercise high on its bucket list of activities. So, if there's one thing in life you can do to live a longer, healthier life, it's exercise.
If you smoke, there is probably no other single choice you can make to help your health more than quitting.
The CDC found that smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, different types of cancer, stroke and more. Not only that, but smoking increases your risk of dying from cancer.
“Smokers lose at least 10 years of life expectancy compared with people who never smoked. “People who quit by age 40 reduce their risk of smoking-related death by 90%.”