Total Access Medical - Direct Primary Care Blog

Actions to Proactively Manage Dementia

Jun 25, 2024 by Total Access Medical

Being a caregiver to a loved one is an incredibly rewarding experience, yet it's also a difficult one. And if your loved one has dementia, caregiving can be even more challenging. More than 11 million Americans provide unpaid care for a family member or friend with dementia, a contribution to the nation valued at nearly $350 billion.  

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Is It Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia?

Jun 19, 2024 by Total Access Medical

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life, while Alzheimer's is a specific disease. Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia. 

Learning about the two terms and the difference between them is important and can empower individuals living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia, their families and their caregivers.

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What Are The Signs Of Alzheimer's Disease?

Jun 18, 2024 by Total Access Medical

Alzheimer's disease is a chronic condition that causes memory loss and confusion. An estimated 6.9 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s disease in 2024. 73% are age 75 or older.

As the disease worsens, people may experience other cognitive difficulties. Some signs of Alzheimer's disease include:

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Can Chronic Stress Increase the Likelihood of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease?

Jun 13, 2024 by Total Access Medical

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia.

The cause of Alzheimer’s disease remains unknown, but researchers believe a number of environmental, lifestyle, and genetic factors may play a role.

Increasingly, chronic stress is being recognized as a risk factor.

In a recent study, researches determined that chronic stress may contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Dr. Andrew Kirschner Explains: Do You Really Need To Live With Back Pain?

Jun 12, 2024 by Total Access Medical
We will all likely have back pain at some point in our lives. Yours may be caused by a car accident, follow a night of poor sleep on a bad mattress, or a mysterious origin. Regardless, it will likely happen.
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Does A Plant-Based Diet Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease?

Jun 11, 2024 by Total Access Medical

In today's fast-paced world, the focus on health and longevity has never been more critical. Recent research sheds light on a compelling strategy to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease: embracing a plant-centric diet while moderating meat consumption.

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Is There A Link Between Alcohol and Alzheimer's Disease?

Jun 06, 2024 by Total Access Medical

Excessive alcohol use may put a person at risk of developing certain health problems relating to the brain. This may increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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How Humans Can And Can’t Catch Bird Flu

Jun 04, 2024 by Total Access Medical

Scientists are on alert for changes in the H5N1 or bird flu virus that could signal it is adapting to spread among humans. The virus has caused serious, sometimes fatal, infections among people and has long been on the list of viruses with pandemic potential. Any expansion to a new mammal species is concerning.

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Top 5 Questions Patients Ask Before Joining a Concierge Medicine Practice

May 30, 2024 by Total Access Medical

In an industry known for its cautious approach to change, the reputational shift of concierge medicine over the last two decades is remarkable. Fueled by a post-pandemic appreciation of preventive medicine, reasonable membership fees, and most importantly, a broken healthcare system that shows little hope of regeneration, the concierge model has evolved into mainstream acceptance.

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How Does Poor Sleep Affect Heart Health?

May 28, 2024 by Total Access Medical

If you're one of the many people who toss and turn nightly, you already know that a bout of sleeplessness can hamper your productivity and sap your quality of life. But the ramifications of poor sleep extend far beyond a cranky mood. Research shows that an on-going sleep deficit can ultimately endanger your heart health.

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